Forabandit Sam Karpienia & Ulaş Özdemir & Bijan Chemirani


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CD Tracklist

1.    Neydik Biz (türkisch/französisch)
2.    Paur (türkisch/französisch/zazaki)
3.    Vesionari (türkisch/französisch)
4.    Amor De Luenh (türkisch/französisch)
5.    Madem Dilber (türkisch/französisch)
6.    Leylam Mevlam (türkisch/französisch)
7.    L´epictafi De Simon De Montfort (französisch)
8.    Dönen Dönsün (türkisch/französisch)
9.    Cançion (türkisch/französisch)
10.    Endabiolat (türkisch/französisch)
11.    Dins Lo Monde (französisch)

1. Neydik Biz
Music and Turkish lyrics: Aşık Emekçi (*1955) / Occitan lyrics: Clovis Hugues (1851-1907)
Arrangement: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Özdemir, Bijan Chemirani
To the verses of the poet Clovis Hugues, an active revolutionary in Marseille during the Commune in 1871, were added lines by Aşık
Emekçi who pursued a similar struggle in 20th century Turkey.
2. Paur
Occitan lyrics: Sam Karpienia / Turkish poetry: Aşık Dertli (1772-1845) / Zazaki poetry: Sey Qaji (1860-1936)
Music: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Özdemir, Bijan Chemirani
This song says there is no fear for the one who is enlightened by the knowledge. The verses in Turkish and the Zazaki language allude
to eşkiya (bandit). This song is dedicated to Metin Lokumcu who died from police brutality on May 31, 2011 in an anti-government
demonstration in Hopa, in northern Turkey. He was denounced as an eşkiya by the country’s prime minister.
3. Vesionari
Turkish lyrics: Kaygusuz Abdal (14th century) / Occitan lyrics: Sam Karpienia
Music: Ulaş Özdemir / Arrangement: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Özdemir, Bijan Chemirani
This satirical song is also an atışma (verbal sparring). The lyrics in Occitan, are a rewriting from a Fernando Pessoa’s poem, in which he
criticize the mystic, while Kaygusuz Abdal retorts in Turkish from the animal kingdom.
4. Amor de Luenh
Occitan lyrics: Jaufré Rudèl (12th century) / Music: Anonymous from Portugal / Arrangement: Sam Karpienia
This song is a veritable love story by Jaufé Rudèl, a troubadour of the 12th century. It speaks of a woman the bard never got to know
but with whom he fell madly in love, causing him much pain.
5. Madem Dilber
Turkish lyrics: Karacaoğlan (17th century) / Music: Anonymous from Anatolia / Arrangement: Ulaş Özdemir
Karacaoğlan wrote the most beautiful love poems of Anatolia. This song expresses his vexation toward his beloved.
6. Leylam Mevlam
Turkish lyrics: Aşık Meluli (1892-1989) / Occitan lyrics: Jorgi Reboul (1901-1993)
Music: Anonymous from Anatolia and Occitania / Arrangement: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Özdemir, Bijan Chemirani
On one side, we have Aşık Meluli, who lived in Anatolia in the 20th century, speaking about his times using words of both mystical
and political import that express his longing for a better life; on the other side, we have Jorgi Reboul, a militant for Occitan poetry,
who lived during the same period in Marseille and says he had no regret for having lived what he experienced.
7. L’epictafi de Simon de Montfort
Occitan lyrics: Taken from ‘‘Cançon de La Crosada’’ (13th century) / Music: Anonymous from Occitania
This song questions how it is possible that a mass murderer be glorified. Simon de Monfort, the French commander responsible for
the massacre of Cathars, has been glorified by official history.
8. Dönen Dönsün
Turkish lyrics: Pir Sultan Abdal (16th century) / Occitan lyrics: Sam Karpienia
Music: Ulaş Özdemir / Arrangement: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Özdemir, Bijan Chemirani
Pir Sultan Abdal, the spirited voice of Alevi poetry, said he was willing to sacrifice his life for his beliefs. The lyrics in Occitan talk about
how History is written with the blood of forabandits, like Pir Sultan Abdal, who did not succumb and even sacrificed their lives for
their faith.
9. Cançion
Occitan lyrics: Clara d’Anduze (13th century) / Turkish lyrics: Güzide Ana (18th century) / Music: Ulaş Özdemir, Sam Karpienia
Female trobairitz, Clara d’Anduze, and female aşık, Güzide Ana, talk about overpowering, real-life loves from a women’s standpoint.
The section in Occitan is inspired by a Sephardic melody of the 14th century.
10. Engabiolat
Occitan lyrics: Sam Karpienia / Turkish lyrics: Aşık Seyrani (1807-1866)
Music: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Özdemir / Arrangement: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Özdemir, Bijan Chemirani
The lyrics in Occitan are about physical imprisonment and intellectual captivity. The lyrics in Turkish by Aşık Seyrani ask whether this
world is a prison or not.
11. Dins lo Monde
Occitan lyrics: Sam Karpienia / Music: Sam Karpienia, Ulaş Ozdemir, Bijan Chemirani
This improvised piece is about the agony of unrequited love and the dangers of solitude

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Eterna Müzik


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